Monday, August 19, 2013

Attempted robbery

Thursday Aug 15 2013. Attacked on the street near 76 station at Ulehawa Beach park. Fought the guy off and kept my things. Notified police. I have been lived in beach parks and on the streets of Hawaii since May 28 2013. In the time of this writting I am 60 years old and have 1 year and 4 months to go before age 62. Socical Security tells me I have worked for 33 years. I have been unable to find work since 2002 when I was laid off from Lucent Technologies along with 70,000 others. Applied for V.A. disability in Jan 2012, they have not processed my Claim. There is no indication the V.A. has any plans to do so. Have contacted Senator Hirono and Senator Brian Schatz asking for help to get the V.A. to process my claim. It is more likely that I will not surrive long enough to recieve retirement from Socical Security.

Tony is dead

Tony once had a business as a roofer. He broke his back on the job. He has lived in the beach parks for 4 years the last 2 and a half in the Ulehawa Beach park #2 He died on the beach last Sunday. In on of the last conversations he told me he was worth more dead to his kids than alive. I asked him if he was commiting a slow suciside via alcohol, Yes he replied. Mission complete. Would make a bet there were no effects. If he had a EBT card or any change in his pockets it was taken before anyone was called.