Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Tefl International Issues refund

Thanks to Brandon for setting the example. By posting in his own name and sticking to his guns Tefl International issues a refund.

For a more detailed information on his ordeal including back and forth emails see:

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Tefl International Issues refund

Thanks to Brandon for setting the exampl

Monday, March 29, 2010

My (for me) worthless TEFL International Certificate

It's pretty to look at: I'd like more than a piece of paper for my nearly sixteen hundred dollars.

This does not allow me to teach in Thailand. I made clear my educational background and that my reason for taking the course was to be qualified to teach in Thailand.

“Doesn't that say 2005. Have you been keeping this anti- TEFL International thing going for five years?? “


Alex Case,

You are right, It's been a long time. I promise to work faster.

The problem is your friend continues to cheat new people and it's my job to link everything together warning them not to be scammed.

I make sure searching for TEFL scam find bruceveld and TEFL International. I'm doing pretty good keeping the goggle ratings high.

My job should be legally teaching English in Thailand for 30,000 baht per month.
If / when your friend helps me find such a job and comes up with back pay for all those months lost...
I'll then have the job TEFL International advertised.

Thank you for your comment.

Feel free to say anything you want on your blog and link to mine.

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Just for fun, my Zomora personality test results:

Not all positive traits but I think it's very close to who I am.

You can Google "zamora personality test" It's free to download.

Took this test more than 10 years ago the first time and again recently.

The only thing that changed is this time it tells me I'm "poor"
Have to admit it didn't miss much.

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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Volunteer: The only legal way for me to teach in Thailand

Doing Volunteer work at a very poor school in Ban Phe Thailand, Wat Nari.

I invite any persons to contact Wat Nari regarding my performance as a teacher.

The administrator is Mr. Subon, +66 038651873.

The photos were taken my last day after working two months.

The kids were great, even in this short time they learned more English than I would have expected.

I take five percent credit and the other ninety five percent goes to these bright hard working students.

My work load was easy with about one hundred students per week.

The classes were unusually small with about twenty students per class.

Other teachers here tell me that a typical Thai classroom would be fifty or more hard to control students.

They tell me it's more like babysitting than teaching.

It took me a couple of weeks to catch on to "classroom management".
After that these kids were as well behaved as any school back in the old days when I was a student.

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Requirements Teaching in Thailand

This is my first personal blog.

Nine years ago I was an Engineer for Lucent Technologies.

Along with seventy thousand other people my job was cut by that company.
Two thousand resumes were sent out the first year and more over the years that followed.

I applied for everything related to electronics all the way down to entry level.
Being forty nine years old, and thousands of others applying for the same jobs ...
There was only one interview.

It's been a long way down and big change in my life style. I live month to month and have not even been able to save enough money to go home.

Still it was a good run. I am grateful that most of my working life I did the work I loved.

Today I am living in Thailand, not by choice but because I can not afford to live in my own country, The United States of America.

My only income is one thousand dollars per month, actually less when cost to access that money is considered.

It is with shame that I tell you that money comes from my family. My house, land, and savings were gone after the first five years of unemployment.

This year I will "celebrate" my 59th year since birth.

I came to Thailand five years ago with the intention of teaching English.
Stupid or naive, I'm not sure which fits best.

The advertisements of Tefl International are all over the net. How I wish now that I has done a simple Google search for "Tefl International + scam".
I would have found many complaints of other victims.
Having done so would have saved my money, time, and much grief.

My TSOL Certificate from Tefl International is worthless to me. This school advertised and continues to advertise that only a TESOL certificate is required to teach in Thailand.

That was and is a lie.

"Can I get a job without a degree?

Yes. Some countries will allow you to work without a degree. Examples of these are China and Thailand, but even there you may have difficulty competing against teachers who do have a degree. Other countries will not allow but often times people without degrees work illegally."

The truth about requirements to teach in Thailand:


Any site that advertises otherwise is false.

Although I have more than 130 college credit hours they are in two different fields and I have no four year degree.

This is the point which allowed myself and many others to fall for the TEFL International scam.
No work permit can be had in Thailand for teaching without a four year degree.

The photo was the last day of school after completing the TESOL course. Two of the persons in this photo have no college degree, we were cheated.

As as open letter I ask that TEFL International give an immediate and full refund to myself and to all other persons who were mislead by false advertisements of this company.

Did I say "TEFL International" don't be fooled as was I.
TEFL International is only one company but hides under at least 20 different names.

BE CAREFUL check the location and schedules of any TEFL course you may consider.
If it is the same as those offered by:
It is TEFL International operating under another name.

There is much more I want to say about this company. Because of the laws in Thailand I will make that known when I return to the United States.

It masquerades a not for profit company while operating in Thailand as a for profit business.

Here you see a photo copy of registration in Thai and an English translation.

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